2016 - A year in blog posts. Serenity.
The highlight of the year for me, as far as the blog is concerned, has been the completion of the Krishnamacharya Yogasanagalu project (Available for Free Download here ). In 2010 I was sent photos of...
View ArticleWhy Meditation? Plus Yoga's Sister philosophy, Samkhya - Full text of the...
Clearing out the 'draft post' drawerContents1. From the Samkhya Karika2. Why Meditation? What is the goal for Patanjali of Yoga3. The Complete Samkhya KarikaAppendix 1. Samkhya - Ramaswami's...
View ArticleWhy take Savasana/rest at all?
New blog header photo (seem to remember M. took this, she got up to find fast asleep in Savasana) in response to the suggestion that in Mysore currently, in response to increased numbers ("crowd...
View ArticleReview: Roots of Yoga James Mallinson and Mark Singleton
Amazon.co.ukWhat a wonderful job Sir James Mallinson and Mark Singleton have done with their collection of PrimaryYoga sources for Penguin, Roots of Yoga.It's highly readable and dip in'able. The...
View ArticleOn 10 years of practice - Cultivate
Coming up to ten years of practice.... I've been asking myself what I think..., actually believe, this practice is all about....Cultivate Compassionfor all, all.Cultivate Contentmentthat what I have is...
View ArticleBrahmavit - February 2017 Newsletter from Srivatsa Ramaswami
BrahmavitWho obtains (aapnoti) the highest?One who knows the BrahmanWho or what is that Brahman?It is pure awareness/consciousness(jnana) unaffected by time (satya) and space (ananta)Where can one find...
View ArticleShirsasana ('headstand') Krishnamacharya, also Lotus to headstand as prep for...
At the end of Yoga Makaranda (Mysore 1934) Krishnamacharya begins to look at sarvangasana (shoulderstand)..."This asana and the next asana (sirsasana) that will be described must be practised very...
View ArticleHow Krishnamacharya taught Ramaswami pranayama plus Why Patanjali's Yoga?
"My one-to-one studies with my usually lasted one hour. One day, at the beginning of the class, he asked me to do this pranayama for the entire duration of the session and left the room. At the end of...
View ArticleKrishnamacharya's Mysore Yoga students 1941 Yoga demonstration photos
In 1941 Life magazine featured a demonstration of Yoga in Mysore by Krishnamacharya's students. photos by Wallace Kirkland.1941 was also the year Krishnamacharya published his 'original' Ashtanga...
View ArticleNew Mysore Traditions Movie Trailer and why go to Mysore
Great new look at the Mysore Yoga Traditions movie currently in production, looking beautiful, and a whole bag full of quotes in this trailer alone. I'm going to need a bigger notebook when it finally...
View ArticleOn being asked to teach Vinyasa Krama to an 'Ashtangi'
I received a letter last night asking if I would be prepared to teach some Vinyasa Krama, over a month or two, here in Japan, to a visiting Ashtanga practitioner (who practices Ashtanga Primary...
View ArticleYoga teaches itself, or should.
Sit on the edge of your chair, breath in, breathe out twice as slowly, follow the breath with your mind.That is surely all you ever REALLY need to teach/suggest, everything else follows from this, it's...
View ArticleAgeing - March 2017 Newsletter from Srivatsa Ramaswami Plus links to some...
"Surely healthy lifestyle, yoga practice will certainly help slow the the ageing process but one has inevitably to come to terms with the process of ageing". RamaswamiMy photo choice not...
View ArticleHatha free Ashtanga Including Krishnamacharya's Yoga Makaranda Raja yoga...
This post marks ten years of practice and nine years of blogging about it., see this postDeveloping a Home practice parts 1-37Is Hatha required for the Raja yoga practitioner?The Yoga Body (Hatha)Some...
View ArticleAshtanga Vinyasa in Mysore: Patabbhi Jois' Nephew M.S. Viswanath (Masterji) -...
Masterji - Modern day ashtanga has no meaning at all. What they are going telling, talking, teaching; today this modern ashtanga is meaningless.Interviewer -You think?I'm not thinking, it is the truth...
View ArticleResource: Puraka (inhalation), Recaka (exhalation) and Kumbhaka (retention)...
Q: Not only have I been to a class of yours but I use your vinyasa book and just bought your Krishnamacharya book! Please tell me if he (krishnamacharya) REALLY holds his breath for 10 minutes? In your...
View ArticleAshtanga and Ageing: The games we played.... Should Advanced (demonstration?)...
If we accept, and this comes from Krishnamacharya and Pattabhi Jois themselves, that the Advanced asana were intended for demonstration purposes....., should we be practicing such advanced asana...
View ArticleGuest post: Heartfulness Meditation as a Complement to Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga...
I promised Satya Murthy, who translated Krishnamacharya's Yogasanagalu ( Mysore 1941) for us (available on my Free Downloads page), another guest post on the blog, here it is on Heartfulness...
View ArticleDandasana as Samastithi : Proficient Primary.
I hear that one of my Ashtanga heroes Chuck Miller, devotes much of his workshops to Samasitithi, "On the first day of practice, we stood in samstithi for what felt like hours, while Chuck told us...
View ArticleVideos : Proficient Primary Ashtanga Vinyasa Krama - Asana as Mudra.
This is mostly for my own reference, putting all these older asana videos in one place to see if I can somehow edit them together into one full practice..., possibly with a limited voice over.Truth is,...
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