Krishnamacharya's Ashtanga...(at home) in Osaka plus Dogen's The Time being
An Arturo style post perhaps with lots of pictures.First things first, Wifi situation in Japan is.... not so great. In Rethymno last week I could connect for free in every cafe, bar, restaurant and...
View ArticleYoga Breath, Bandhas and Kumbhaka: Transcription of my interview with Simon...
My fried Esther Waer has come through with a transcription of my Interview with Simon earlier in the year.Esther is my friend up in Yamagata, Japan who, among other things, makes beautiful Yoga Mat...
View ArticleFirst backbends (in a while) in the New, Osaka Home Shala
First look at the new Osaka home shala in action.Thank you to Abi for the mini clip on wide angle lens for my mobileLooks like I could do with Kristina or Niko to take that right shoulder down and in a...
View ArticleKrishnamacharya's Personal Pranayama practice? UPDATE: Details of MY upcoming...
If you were Krishnamacharya, if you had spent 80 odd years, pretty much your whole life, studying, practising and later teaching yoga, reading all the ancient texts, all the different approaches to...
View ArticleFalling asleep in Savasana and the search of great Coffee and Samadhi
M. snapped the picture of me in Savasana yesterday, I'd fallen asleep and not for the first time it seems, ....in Savasana, in the bath, in a friends Meditation class, "Stay present, stay present,...
View ArticleNew Page at top of blog, My workshops, past present and upcoming. etc.
A New page sitting at the top of the blog ( Next to free downloads) on my workshops past present and upcoming. Because of all the pictures this may be a bit heavy and slow to upload so I'll delete it...
View ArticleAsmitā (अस्मिता) - Newsletter from Srivatsa Ramaswami October 2014
I am still in Chennai. No idea how long it will be before I could start moving out. Here are a couple of pictures taken during the recent LMU programs, the 200 hr TT program and the 60 hr certificate...
View ArticleEmploying Simon Borg Oliver's Ha- and Tha- bandhas for healing as well as...
Stick figure from HEREBelow is the second section of an article from Simon Borg Oliver for Wild Yogi Magazine on employing bandhas in Trikonasana (Simon, in his book, Applied Anatomy & Physiology...
View Article'Three' Stages of Ashtanga Practice
The Three Ages of Woman, 1905 by Gustav Klimt*Note to self (half way through writing this), this post is kind of nonsense, find a damned good picture to make up for itThank God for Ashtanga!After...
View ArticleTim Miller Discusses the Yoga Sutras I.4, I.12 and I.30 PLUS Tim's first...
I don't think I've ever seen the full version of this"Recorded at the Yoga Barn in Ivy, Virginia, Tim Discusses Sutras I.4, I.12 and I.30. Many thanks to Tim, Jennifer Elliott and Ashtanga Yoga...
View ArticleUpcoming workshops November 2014 - UK and Russia
Digby just sent me the flyer through for my workshop up at Stone Monkey, Leamington Spa on 16th November, here it is along with details of my other workshops for my trip back to Europe in November. I'm...
View ArticleNorman Allan Week, the first American taught by Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois (1973)
"In 1973, Norman Allen was the first American to be taught by Pattabhi Jois. Norman attended a yoga demonstration at the Swami Gitananda Ashram in Pondicherry; the yoga was performed by Manju Jois, the...
View ArticlePattabhi Jois Interview: Cool room, full Vinyasa, How long to stay in an...
Love stumbling upon Guy's website when looking for something else, except that when you do that's half your day gone as you read 'just one more interview' and forget what it was you were looking for in...
View ArticleShala practice, a Month Mysore Pass, community, Dionysian / Apollonian, Zen...
Last Saturday I went to a led Ashtanga class at Spirit Mysore Osaka, nice space, not too hot, not too stuffy, a well ventilated practice space."I could practice here".I'm still not used to breathing...
View ArticleResearch: Complete Ashtanga 2nd series Rishi approach (25 or 50 breaths in...
I've been looking again at my seconds series and wanted to bring all the Rishi series posts and videos from a couple of years back together into one post.Looking forward to when grabbing my heels let...
View ArticleDavid Robson's chat through his Full Intermediate series Plus two versions of...
This is the second of two posts this morning researching 2nd series see the other post hereResearch: Complete Ashtanga 2nd series Rishi approach (25 or 50 breaths in each asana of 2nd series).Just...
View ArticleAshtanga History: Extended stays in (certain) Asana, Krishnamacharya,...
Like many I've often wondered why the Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois approach to asana are so different given that they both studied with the same teacher T. Krishnamacharya and at the same period. We do...
View ArticleOriginal Ashtanga Intermediate / Middle group asana with Kumbhaka,
This post is work in progress, a place to bring together some notes on Krishnamacharya's middle group asana.Last year or so I put up a post bringing together the photo's and asana instructions from...
View ArticleShala practice lasted a week, Pranayama and krishnamacharya's Bharadvajrasana
So much for the Month Mysore pass that I bought last week, I lasted a week.Friday I decided to do my normal Friday primary (at the shala), two hours, made it as far as Navasana before switching to...
View ArticleArm balances and trying David Robson's floaty tittibasana transition
screen shot from this post 'David Robson's chat through full Intermediate'.I just noticed that David Robson is going to be in Moscow the same time as I am, he's doing a week long workshop at Ashtanga...
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