I had the kindest note regarding this blog a short while ago and it made me think how I haven't added to my'related blog' LIST that much recently ( it's down on the right after the orange link to Simons course and Michelle's Mysore style painting of Krishna). Occasionally I'll come across a blog shared by a friend on fb and remember to add it to my list, I'm sometimes disappointed to find that it wont show up, it's often Wordpress blogs and occasionally because of a sharing setting I believe.
There used to be that blog list a while back that we used to visit over coffee before getting on the mat, what was that called, new posts from all the 'Ashtanga blogs used to appear on it, most of the visits here came from that site and other 'cybershala' blogs. These days most visits seem to come from fb or on a google search and coming across a post I wrote years ago mentioning Kareem Abdul-Jabar, Yoga and Bruce lee. or winchester cathedral.
A few years back I had trouble with the blog and ended up losing my whole related blog list, I rebuilt it as much as I could but lost some for good and then there are others who haven't posted for a couple of years and I just had to delete to make space or because I know many of you are coming here on your phones and I need to trim it down a little.
So a call for related blogs, if you are a regular reader here and there is another blog that's been around for a good three months or so that you think other readers of this one will enjoy then please let me know about it in the comment box. You don't have to say why you like it, just give me the link. so i can take a look, must be so many excellent blogs out there that I've missed.
Now don't go posting your own blog, I'm after recommendations and not blogs that are full of ads or are mainly there to bring traffic to your teaching page, genuine blogs that you read and like, let me know either on this post or on a future post.
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Working on Krishnamacharya's Mahavedha (lotus lifted, spun, dropped) see this LINK |
In my own experience blogging works best went you don't think about your readers at all, sorry : )
Appreciate every one who visits, even the critics ( but not the spammers), especially the critics but write for yourself, what interests you currently, or bothers you or that you're trying to work out in your own head ( and in your edits and updates), catharsis even. Don't worry about whether it will ruin your reputation or drive people away, or if you'll appear an idiot a month down the road because you've completely contradicted yourself or made an about turn, write for yourself and if anyone else likes it or enjoys it then great, really that's great but be prepared to be dismissed or readers to vow never to visit again after your next post. My biggest mistakes in the past have been occasionally thinking about readers too much, trying to interest people ( in Vinyasa Krama say) or getting all teacherly or preachy at times. Put stuff up separately that readers can take or leave perhaps.
The time to think about readers is when you think about deleting your blog. Please pause. My own feeling is this blog doesn't really belong to me, I can choose to stop blogging perhaps and how many times have I thought about that, but don't feel I have the right to delete it.
...of course this post contradicts most of the above
Two new Tengui
Quick Kindle Paperwhite review
Will add to this later but just want to say that I love this, hadn't been sure whether to get one, tolerate books on the ipad. I think the only novels I had managed to read were Maya's but the kindle is excellent, really has the feel of a book, doesn't tire the eyes and you can read it at night ( make sure you get the paperwhite not the original).
And YES, it's esay to send you pdf's here, and you can convert other formats via a free app called calibre and also yes, the battery does last forever.
Oh and also YES, my Vinyasa Krama book is ruddy awful on it, pictures too small and the youtube links don't work. It's fine on the kindle app for ipad but not on the kindle.
Feel free to ask questions in comments.