Stone Monkey,
Leamington Spa, UK
Sunday 16th November
Leamington Spa, UK
Sunday 16th November
On Sunday it was a great pleasure to be back in Leamington Spa at Digby's Stonemonkey studio and cafe, something to do perhaps with going back to a place, meeting up with some who had attended my workshop there earlier in the year, seeing Digby, Maddy and Michelle again and just the general atmosphere of the shala, where so many knew each other and any ice easily broken in the cafe upstairs. Digby makes a mean espresso too which always helps.
Being a follow up workshop we were able to review what we'd looked at earlier in the year as well as cover a little more ground. We looked more closely at the second half of Krishnamacharya's primary group asana as well as at another Vinyasa Krama sequence.