This post follows on from yesterdays post on Krishnamacharya's own practice where he employs the chakras as concentration points.
We have mentioned that there are seven CAKRAS supporting the HRIDAYA. They are:
1. MULADHARA CAKRA - between the root of the reproductory organs and anus.
2. SVADHISHTANA CAKRA -at the origin of the reproductory organ - between Muladhara and Manipura.
3. MANIPURA CAKRA - at the navel
4. ANAHATA CAKRA - at the heart
5. VISUDDHICAKRA - at the base of the throat
6. AGNA CAKRA - between the two eyebrows
7. SAHASRARA CAKRA - situated at the crown of the head.
The 7 Chakras are active in three ways.
AAVRITTi is due to Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbaka.
PARIVRITTI is due to the proper control of the three Bandhas - MULA, JALANDHARA and UDDIYANA.
SAMVRITTI is due to the variation in the length of the Rechaka and Kumbakha in Pranayama.
The 7 Chakras mentioned above and the Manas are not visible to our naked eye. Joy and sorrow are feelings palpable only to the mind and for that reason, we do not deny their existence. So also certain changes inside our body have to be personally felt and they are not capable of physical demonstration. Even the modern advanced appliances like the x-ray can not reveal the existence of the feelings of the mind and the changes in the CAKRAS. But Samyamam mentioned in the Yoganga discovers the feelings and changes in one’s own mind and in others.
Although it can not be observed by the main sense organs, the jeeva or soul that is hidden within the body and experiences countless suffering and joys according to followers of Visishtadwita and Dwita philosophies, in the mind as per Sankhya followers, reflection of jeevatma according to some yogis and Advita followers. The mind (its ability to experience) with attributes of wanderings and restraint by way of the heart (called Dahara and Kuhara) is rooted above and below in the following chakras:
Mooladhara chakra - below the navel and above the reproductive organs
Swadishtana - between mooladhara and manipuraka
Manipuraka - exactly on the navel (belly button)
Anahuta - middle of the heart
Vishuddi chakra - below the neck
Agna - between the eye brows
Sahasrara - crown of the head
Encompassing these seven chakras (nadi granthis) are 1. Avrutti, 2. Parivruti and 3. Samvruti.
The movement (activation) of these chakras are caused by the greatness (power) of pranayama and the variety of rechaka, puraka and kumbhaka
For more on the Chakras, have a look at Simon Heather's article 'Origin of the Chakras' which fishes out references to them in the Upanishads.
Simon quotes extensively from the Yoga Kundalini Upanishad, which is quite marvellous, I was reading it just recently and was quite blown away. The Yoga Kundalini Upanishad is an excellent primary source for information on Prana, Bandhas, Chakras, Pranayama etc. See the link below for a downloadable pdf and a useful introduction
This next one, an article by BNS Iyengar, Chakras Bandhas And Kriyas is just great, had me laughing out loud and really wishing i could go to Pune (mock-terrified at the same time).
Here's a link to a pdf of the old Theosophical Society book on Chakras by C.W. Leadbeater
And a Chakra meditation from the Swamiji website. Explore them in this way in a separate meditation practice to fix the images and sounds and then look at bringing them into your asana practice.
The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga by Arthur Avalon
International Association of Yoga Therapists list of articles relating to Chakaras;postID=8140639069994186373
In the previous post outlining Krishnamacharya's 'own' practice Krishnamacharya is employing chakras as concentration points, as focus of attention (as well as directing prana). I've tended to avoid anything to do with the chakras for long enough, turned off by the New Age Chakra picture books that swamp the bookshelves (always used to find them overflowing into the Philosophy Section in Bookshops).
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Even Catkras! |
Still, perhaps it's time to take a long overdue look at the Chakra model, if only to employ as concentration points rather than falling into the whole Kundalini rabbit hole
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found image HERE |
Concentration is the name of the game and putting to one side the blockages of the flow of prana ( I struggle with the concept of prana too but explore it as a model) the Chakras are interesting as points of focus. Visualisation is a useful tool in directing attention thus the more we develop the image the more useful it can be, the colours the petals, the mantras, I can see the value value of all these and it's worth exploring.
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LINK includes sound files for Bija mantras |
Here's Krishnamacharya himself on the Chakras in his Yoga Makaranda (parts I and II) and Yogasanagalu. In the first part he employs Ten, in the second part the more common Seven.
Krishnamacharya on the Cakras ( Chakras) from Yoga Makaranda
Asana practice renders correct blood circulation. The snayus (ligaments) and various parts of the body will function at the perfect, ultimate level. It also causes all types??? of internal circulation to function properly. We all know the connection between good blood circulation, good nadi granthi, healthy body and good health. Hence it is not necessary to further emphasize the benefits of practising asana daily for at least a few minutes. What more does one need after seeing this? Only after acquiring these benefits can one expect to look forward to others.
Because of the power of pranayama practice, one develops strength in the bones, the bone marrow and the heart; one develops the brain, the head, the anna kosam, the fat layer, the mana kosam, the strength of breath and prana, and longevity; it sharpens the senses, strengthens the intellect and the voice and purifies the blood. All these are important factors necessary for the maintenance of health. Those with strong bones, vitality, nerves, and tendons will lead a healthy long life. Lack or weakness of viryam leads to lack of strength which leads to the atrophy of bones. Such a condition leads one to suffer from tuberculosis. Whoever has no impurities in their blood will never develop any disease, and their body will develop a kind of glow. How can darkness reside where there is sunlight? Hence all Ayurveda texts speak specifically on the importance of good blood circulation and bone strength for good health. If the blood is not clean, then the nadi cakras will not function (rotate) properly. We have observed the wheels of trains, electrical gadgets and such machines. If even one wheel malfunctions, all the activities of the machine stop and the gadget breaks down. Similarly when any one of the nadi cakras contained in the machine that is the body malfunctions or is spoiled, we will not derive any of the benefits of good health. Hence good blood circulation is essential for the proper functioning of the nadi cakras.
1.2 Cakras
In the machine that is our body, there are ten cakras — namely
1. muladhara cakra,
2. svadhishtana cakra,
3. manipuraka cakra,
4. surya cakra,
5. manas cakra,
6. anahata cakra,
7. visuddhi cakra,
8. ajn ̃a cakra,
9. sahasrara cakra,
10. brahmaguha (lalata) cakra.
1. Muladhara Cakra
This cakra is next to the rectum. If, due to the strength resulting from practising pranayama with a focus on this cakra, caitanya is attained in this cakra, then this will strengthen the viryam (sexual vitality). When the viryam is kept under control, the body becomes tough. If anybody acquires caitanya in this cakra, they will become virile.
2. Svadhishthana Cakra
This svadhishthana cakra lies two angulas above the muladhara cakra. If by doing pranayama abhyasa according to the krama and rules caitanya is attained in this cakra, then this will destroy all diseases. There will be an astounding increase in good health. Any amount of physical work can be done without any fatigue. Even enemies will admire and adore one who has caitanya in this cakra. Violence will run away and hide from him. Even a tiger and cow will live in peaceful coexistence in his presence.
3. Manipuraka Cakra
This is situated exactly in the navel. If, due to the strength of pranayama practice, caitanya is attained in this cakra, then the practitioner will never encounter any physical or mental afflictions. These afflictions will flee his presence. One who has acquired caitanya in this cakra will be able to face any disaster or accident with mental fortitude. Not only that, he will develop divya drishti. He will experience the bliss of identifying atman as a separate entity from the body. This cakra is situated in the middle of all other cakras. The main function of this cakra is to ensure that all organs or parts of the body function at their proper strength. Good health is possible only when all the organs are strong. Any disease in any organ indicates ill health.
4. Surya Cakra
This cakra is situated in the third angula above the navel. Pranayama prac- tised with an equal ratio of exhalation and inhalation (recaka and puraka) with a focus on this cakra gives rise to caitanya in this cakra. Caitanya in this cakra purifies all the nadis of the stomach. One who has acquired caitanya in this cakra will not suffer from any diseases of the stomach, nor from any mahodaram and will acquire eternal good health, amazing vitality or shine, and long life. The pranayama practitioner will attain free move- ment of this cakra which will be visible by rapid increase in the digestive power. Special caitanya or insight will develop on practising bastra kevala kumbhaka pranayama. This is not possible to attain from practising other types of pranayama with a focus on this cakra. These will just lead to the ordinary benefits.
5. Manas Cakra
This is close to the anna kosam. Caitanya in this cakra is attained by a sustained practice of kevala kumbhaka pranayama. The main function of this cakra is to increase the power of intuition and to expand the intel- lect. This is because practising kumbhaka pranayama purifies (cleanses) the brain. There is a special connection between the brain and the manas cakra.
6. Anahata Cakra
This is situated in the hrdaya (heart) sthana. There is a special connection between this and the heart. Pranayama abhyasa with recaka and puraka kumbhaka of different ratios (raising and lowering the ratios) with a focus on this cakra will give rise to a steady state of caitanya in this cakra. This state of caitanya in this cakra removes weakness of the heart and will give extraordinary strength. All the activities associated with the heart are carried out due to the strength of this cakra. We all know that in this world, life is possible only as a result of the strength of the functioning of the heart. Hence if this cakra is kept in a correct state and moves freely, emotions like affection, devotion, gn ̃anam, etc. — such superior states of mind (bhavas) will arise in the heart. If this cakra malfunctions or becomes impure and moves in a constricted fashion, then murder, theft, adultery, unchastity and other such inferior emotions will arise in the heart. By correct pranayama practice, the speed of the cakra increases and this gives rise to an expanded intellect and the person will be inspired to become more involved in good works. Any pranayama practised against sastra will weaken the movement and speed of the cakra and will destroy or weaken the heart.
7. Visuddhi Cakra
This is situated in the throat region. That is, it is situated in the region below the neck, above the sternum, in between the two bones where there is a soft area (gap) the size of the middle finger. If caitanya is achieved and held in this cakra due to the strength of pranayama, the practitioner gets svara vign ̃anam (knowledge of sound). If cittam can be controlled to focus on this cakra, the practitioner will lose all thoughts of this world (lose consciousness) and will be able to see the divine paramatma in all his glory through the light of the self. If one controls the movements of the citta and attains caitanya in this cakra through the strength of kumbhaka, he will attain a steady state of youth and enthusiasm. By achieving this caitanya through krama, these benefits can be experienced to the extent desired.
8. Ajn ̃a Cakra
This cakra is situated between the two eyebrows. If caitanya can be held (focussed) here, one acquires the power to control everybody. Through the movements of recaka and puraka in the nadis of the two nostrils, if one practises pranayama by keeping the breath in the nostrils and circulating and moving the prana vayu, then the nadis below the nostril get purified. One develops a divine lustre, one is able to see the atman and through this blessing will be able to see all the events that are occurring around the world without moving from their position. Caitanya citta vritti in the ajn ̃a cakra is extremely helpful for a long life.
9. Sahasrara Cakra
This is directly above the throat or palate. The greatness of this cakra is beyond description. Every part of the body is associated to (depends on) this important point. If one enhances the caitanya in this sahasrara cakra through the strength of practising puraka in complete pranayama abhyasa, this will result in the rapid movement of this cakra which will in turn give any skill or power that you wish for.
10. Brahmaguha (Lalata) Cakra
This cakra is situated above the forehead. Pranayama practice will cause the prana vayu to move through the susumna nadi and this prana vayu should be held here through the skill of kumbhaka. If such a practice is followed, one acquires the power to change one’s own destiny. One cannot describe the greatness of this procedure. It can only be learned through experience.
The caitanya sakti in every cakra can be only achieved through the strength of the practice of pranayama. Once the caitanya sakti is attained, the movement of the cakra becomes great. At this time, one begins to immediately experience the many benefits mentioned earlier. If pranayama is practised under proper guidance for one or two years following the sastras, cakra sakti will blossom and the many benefits will be attained. But this pranayama must only be practised along with asana and while observing the yama and niyama. If practised in this way, the pranayama sakti will blossom and move in all the important regions of the body and in the ten cakras and give great strength and benefits. One who is not skilled in the yama, niyama and asana will not receive any benefits. By correct practice and effort, the cakra sakti expands and all the mentioned benefits are attainable.
Krishnamacharya on the chakras from Yoga makaranda (part II)
We have mentioned that there are seven CAKRAS supporting the HRIDAYA. They are:
1. MULADHARA CAKRA - between the root of the reproductory organs and anus.
2. SVADHISHTANA CAKRA -at the origin of the reproductory organ - between Muladhara and Manipura.
3. MANIPURA CAKRA - at the navel
4. ANAHATA CAKRA - at the heart
5. VISUDDHICAKRA - at the base of the throat
6. AGNA CAKRA - between the two eyebrows
7. SAHASRARA CAKRA - situated at the crown of the head.
The 7 Chakras are active in three ways.
AAVRITTi is due to Puraka, Rechaka and Kumbaka.
PARIVRITTI is due to the proper control of the three Bandhas - MULA, JALANDHARA and UDDIYANA.
SAMVRITTI is due to the variation in the length of the Rechaka and Kumbakha in Pranayama.
The 7 Chakras mentioned above and the Manas are not visible to our naked eye. Joy and sorrow are feelings palpable only to the mind and for that reason, we do not deny their existence. So also certain changes inside our body have to be personally felt and they are not capable of physical demonstration. Even the modern advanced appliances like the x-ray can not reveal the existence of the feelings of the mind and the changes in the CAKRAS. But Samyamam mentioned in the Yoganga discovers the feelings and changes in one’s own mind and in others.
From Yogasanagalu
Mooladhara chakra - below the navel and above the reproductive organs
Swadishtana - between mooladhara and manipuraka
Manipuraka - exactly on the navel (belly button)
Anahuta - middle of the heart
Vishuddi chakra - below the neck
Agna - between the eye brows
Sahasrara - crown of the head
Encompassing these seven chakras (nadi granthis) are 1. Avrutti, 2. Parivruti and 3. Samvruti.
The movement (activation) of these chakras are caused by the greatness (power) of pranayama and the variety of rechaka, puraka and kumbhaka
Simon quotes extensively from the Yoga Kundalini Upanishad, which is quite marvellous, I was reading it just recently and was quite blown away. The Yoga Kundalini Upanishad is an excellent primary source for information on Prana, Bandhas, Chakras, Pranayama etc. See the link below for a downloadable pdf and a useful introduction
This next one, an article by BNS Iyengar, Chakras Bandhas And Kriyas is just great, had me laughing out loud and really wishing i could go to Pune (mock-terrified at the same time).
Here's a link to a pdf of the old Theosophical Society book on Chakras by C.W. Leadbeater
And a Chakra meditation from the Swamiji website. Explore them in this way in a separate meditation practice to fix the images and sounds and then look at bringing them into your asana practice.
The Serpent Power: The Secrets of Tantric and Shaktic Yoga by Arthur Avalon
International Association of Yoga Therapists list of articles relating to Chakaras;postID=8140639069994186373