"...when you play that low Bb, you’re simultaneously hearing the entire series of notes shown above, but they’re actually more felt than heard, since the majority of the sound you hear is from the fundamental, or bottom note in the series, whichever note that might be". from HERE
This morning I was practising Krishnamacharya's 'original Ashtanga Primary series', and as I slipped my hands under my feet for pada hastasana I had a flash back of the tittbhasana B from this weekend's workshop in Valencia. I was reminded too that my friend Rachel Musson had recently mentioned/recommended 'saxophone overtones' on my flute long tone in asana post. Vinyasa Krama is like this, when you learn the sequences (although once learned you don't necessarily practice them as full sequences) each posture seems to carry an echo or ghost image of all the other postures, a slight shift in your visualisation and you can feel in muscle memory the subtle shift each posture requires (Rachel, overtones are usually the harmonics above the note, what is it when you can hear those below as well? UPDATE: Rachel says she's heard them described as shadow tones). I found this an exciting thought.
Here are some pictures of one of the sessions from last weekends Krishnamachary's Ashtanga and Vinyasa Krama workshop hosted by Living Yoga Valencia in Spain.
The workshop consisted of
Session 1- a talk on Krishnamacharya
Session 2 - Krishnamachary's Yoga Makaranda Primary group
Session 3 - Vinyasa Krama workshop
Session 4 _ Led Vinyasa Krama class (integrated with pranayama, pratyahara and meditation).
Thank you so much to Cecilia Cristolovean for popping by for the third session to take some photos and catching something of the feel of the class.
Here is her website
Thank you Andreea and Cosmin for inviting me and to everyone who turned up and practised with such commitment.
My next workshop is 'Exploring Krishnamacharya with Anthony 'Grimmly' Hall in Ulm 5th- 6th April 2014 (Ulm)
and then the Yoga Rainbow festival in Turkey 3-9 May, 2014
There may well be something else that I'm getting quite excited about in the pipeline.
Another post to come over the weekend of the whole trip and with more photo's but here I want to highlight Cecilia's photography.