So 'final' update on the one month Chakra Bandhasana challenge, first a recap....
Here's, the original post
Chakra Bhandasana - Grab heels in a month backbend challenge
If you remember, this project came about from seeing this video by Jen René Peg Mulqueenand Michael Joel Hall.
A slice of brilliance from Michael Joel Hall
My own attempt
Which brings us to today, I've been running this pretty much from Tuesday to Tuesday (my day off), so this would be a month.
drum roll....
Chakra bandhasana ladies and gentlemen, that's it right there, bound, solid, and secure...
Have you noticed that most hold the leg above the ankle, above the knee even, (scoff), BELOW the ankle that's what you should be after...and none of this hands wrapped right around the leg, that's just cheating, you want to be aiming at subtlety, the merest gesture, the ankle tendon gently held between the fingertips/nails.
What do you mean it doesn't count
Anyone for a THREE month Chakra Bandhasana, challenge,.......anyone?
Here's the video anyway, it's coming, gradually, no rush really. I'm more interested at the moment in settling into that final step/brick and exploring the breath, want to get ten long slow breaths there and then twenty-five, worry about catching the legs later.